???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? in Applied Languages (online)

Master’s thesis

Final Research Project (TFM)

- 1  subject: Introduction to Scientific Research (5 ECTS)

- Preparation of the Master's Thesis  (10 ECTS)

Registration: Enrolment for these credits in September of the first year of the Master's Degree is not recommended. Instead, students should either enrol during the second enrolment period in the first year (February - March), or in September of the second year. It should be taken into account that the research project involves 375 hous of work.

Modality: research project

The project entails students conducting research on a topic related to the different fields of study taught on the Master's Degree. Students may propose a topic, but it must be approved of by their tutor. Students may also seek further guidance in the choice of their research projects by consulting research topics proposed by lecturers. In any event, students must hand in a research project proposal, which must be accepted by the Master's Degree Studies Committee.

Here you can access a selection of dissertations written in the last years.

And here you can take a look at the Master's dissertations published in the Open-acces Repository of the UdL's Library.


Deadline for submitting the written project

• Students cannot hand in the project and defense it until they have passed 50 credits of the subjects in the course.

• The deadline to hand in the written project is September, 30

• The oral defence of the project will be held from 11 to 31 October.

• The defense of the TFM can be done on-line using the University's videoconferencing system.